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Car roof mounting plate for door operator WITTUR SELCOM

WITTUR SELCOM 2C1A140278V02 3201140278V02 - Car roof op. mnt.plate L=990 mm
WITTUR SELCOM 2C1A140278V03 3201140278V03 - Car roof op.mnt.plate L=1220 mm
WITTUR SELCOM 2L1A155F05 3201155F05 - Fixing ext. exist. panels bayonet mnt
WITTUR SELCOM 2C2A231723L005 3201231723L005 - Kit mount. exist. panels L=50
WITTUR SELCOM 2C2A231723L007 3201231723L007 - Kit mount. exist. panels L=75
WITTUR SELCOM 2C2A231723L012 3201231723L012 - Kit mount. exist.panels L=125

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